Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Stan the Man

Out with the old, in with the new
(Photo credit to the owner)
Poker-faced and steady, he carefully surveys the field to check where his comrades are-- his shooters are busy trying to wriggle free from their defenders, his bigs already engaged in hand-to-hand combat inside the box and angling for proper rebounding position.

In the middle of the chaos of blinding lights, human flesh and glistening jerseys, he makes a split-second decision.

He puts his head down and moves forward, his defender tries to move his legs fast enough to recover. Recover in time to make a possible last gasp attempt at challenging a layup. But what the defender does not know or anticipate, is that while he has already committed to this scenario, the hero has other things in mind. He slows down just as quickly as he accelerated, enough to throw his defender off balance. Enough to catch the help wondering what is going on: "will he shoot? Will he pass? Can I get there in time?" Parallel to the time it took the defender to answer this complex conundrum is the hero scoring or assisting on an easy basket.

This is starting to become somewhat of the norm for GlobalPort Batang Pier’s sophomore point guard Stanley Pringle.
google.com, pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0