Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Revival

Calling the shots
(Photo credit: Inquirer.net)
We owe TNT Katropa head coach Jong Uichico an apology.

For a while there, when Coach Jong appeared to be running everything through Jayson Castro reminiscent of how his mentor Ron Jacobs rode “Da Bull” Nelson Asaytono in the late 90s at San Miguel, we started to believe that this guy was nothing more than a relic. A relic who insists on running outdated hero/ isolation plays in an ever-evolving sport of spread-out offenses and taller three-point specialists.

What made it even worse is that, he seemed to be changing the philosophies and culture of the very team that pioneered and mastered this new, Euro-style of play in the PBA.

Again, we owe him an apology.
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