Sunday, February 5, 2012

On the table: Lassiter to join Petron

Lassiter: One conference rental for Powerade (?)
And the rich keep getting richer.

The Petron Blaze Boosters and Powerade Tigers are already in the final stages (read: just waiting for the approval of PBA Commissioner Chito Salud) of a deal that will send this year's 4th overall pick Marcio Lassiter to Petron in exchange for 2010 top pick Noy Baclao and 3rd overall Rey Guevarra.

And yes, Petron does have all Top 3 picks of the 2010 draft on their roster and now, will have 2 of the clear frontrunners in Chris Lutz and Lassiter., pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0