Saturday, August 18, 2012

Petron dumps Ato, hires Rah-Rah

Coach O
In a move seen as soon as mid-way of the PBA Governor's Cup, the Petron Blaze Boosters unceremoniously gave the boot to sophomore head coach Ato Agustin and brought in another prized alum in Olsen Racela.

While Agustin was able to steer a then-depleted Boosters squad to a Governor's Cup crown in his first season, he failed to make the necessary adjustments required once the superstars came back. The tough task of having to spread minutes to a loaded line-up that features two elite PBA first five-worthy guys was just too much for Agustin, whose bread and butter as a coach has always been in squeezing out the best of his players who already have marked roles on the offense., pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0