Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Air21 Rebuilding Project

Forget Baclao. If Air21 lands Wilson,
they'll get Gary David 2.0-- with more defense.
Following last season's embarrassing performance, which is expected of such a young team, the Air21 Express set their sights on rebuilding the roster in order to make a dent in the PBA. Laughable as that may seem, since Management's best interest has always been on making profit off trades, let's give the Franz Pumaren-coached squad the benefit of the doubt.

Now this is all according to newsreports (and some rumors) since the trade hasn't received the nod of PBA Commissioner Chito Salud so everything is still up in the air. What we do know at the moment is that the team isn't high on Elmer Espiritu, Paolo Hubalde, Magi Sison, Eric Salamat and nuisance Ogie Menor. Chances are, these guys will be sent elsewhere or have their contracts left to expire.
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