Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Team Ageless

When Asi Taulava first went to the ASEAN Basketball League in what many thought would be his "swan song" after two unimpressive seasons in the PBA with the Meralco Bolts, it was met with nary a whimper. There he was, a former PBA Most Valuable Player, probably looking for one last paycheck and maybe to cash in on his name/brand.

There's nothing wrong or shameful about it, business is business. Some guys are able to quit when they are ahead, others, keep on pushing until either their minds or bodies break. At the end of the day, these men (old, injury-riddled or in-denial) are just that, men-- men who need to provide for themselves and their loved ones. What good is looking back in a once illustrious career if you can't enjoy the fruit of your labors all the way to retirement?

So when his handlers coined "Team Ageless," we were part of the many who dismissed it and just said: "best of luck to you Asi, for all the years playing for flag and country and just being an all-around good guy despite your larger-than-life size, thank you."

One ASEAN Basketball League season, championship and Most Valuable Player later, we were all proven wrong., pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0