Saturday, April 18, 2015

KKS Gilas 26 man pool

The Face of the PBA but not of Gilas? Why?
(Photo credits to the owner)
Word is out that Gilas head coach Tab Baldwin has already listed 26 PBA superstars and will start courting their respective mother teams in an effort to do an anti-Chot and establish good will.

We love this low-key approach, since it doesn't put any pressure on the already strained relationship between Team MVP and Team SMC (and even the other "independent" teams). It should be remembered that Coach Chot went to the media to air his side: on how hard it was for him to attain the services of some Team SMC players which put those under that umbrella in a bad light. Sometimes airing your dirty laundry out works, sometimes it doesn't.

It is what it is.

Here, we try to name the 26 active PBA players who we feel are being eyed by the well-traveled head coach., pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0