Friday, May 29, 2015

Team #NSD

(Photo credits to the owner)
So it's a Friday weekend (here in the Middle East anyway) and we are catching up on our steady dose of Upper B basketball talk (if you haven't already, please checkout which is basically the new/ another version of FTS or Bro Show or Goat or whatever only a lot more entertaining whenever Jai Reyes is given air time). On this episode, they were asked by one of their many followers about naming a Team Never-Say-Die first five (minus Ginebra players, of course).

Basically, the names that were mentioned are: Marc Pingris, Paul Lee, Dondon Hontiveros, Cliff Hodge and whichever among Yousef Taha, Jerwin Gaco, Alex Nuyles, etc.

We are not going to say that they were wrong, just that we would probably go another way., pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0