Saturday, June 20, 2015

Cruising along

(Photo credits to Sports5)
We could still recall when GlobalPort Batang Pier team owner Mikee Romero proudly declared that he was going to bring his basketball winning ways from the amateurs (PBL, ABL) into the PBA. We met it as just another positive statement, from a greenhorn who doesn't really understand how the true yet dirty hierarchy of the league works.

Specially for a farm team.

Which they said they were not. Which their fans bought into. Until of course, trades started to become the norm and elite or promising names (players and coaches) walked in and out of their team practices.

But lately, they've been winning.

All thanks to one man's vision, and another man's growing love/ hate reputation., pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0