Saturday, July 18, 2015


Play him or trade him.
(Photo credit:
Dear Alaska,

While we love what you have done in the last few years, primarily what former head coach Luigi Trillo introduced and what Alex Compton is currently trying to perfect, please be assured that we are not at all fond of how one Calvin Abueva is being treated/ utilized.

He is easily your best player. And this guise of #wenotme is starting to look stupid, when all the "comeback" games are born or produced by this very simple reason: your first unit sucks in general, so the second unit has to work double-time to first erase the deficit, and second, win games. And you know who is anchoring that second team?

Calvin "why is he still playing 28 minutes or less" Abueva., pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0