Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A puncher's chance

Show them who's Boss
(Photo credit to the owner)
Dear Alaska Aces fans, welcome to Rain or Shine Elastopainters territory.

Before you start telling us off about how different our teams our, just hear this RoS fan for a minute. We rose to the top somewhere in 2012, when we beat a champions-in-the-making STAR Hotshots side and continued to reach the Finals the next two to three years only to fail time and again to some established powerhouse. Your team? Well after the Cone Era, you beat Ginebra in the Finals, regrouped with a new coach but the same gung-ho style (although much freer), and reached the Finals again (twice) just last season only to fall to San Miguel.

Welcome to basketball bridesmaid purgatory., pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0