Saturday, October 24, 2015

Back to the one we love

The PBA is BACK!
WOW! Fantastic baby.
(Photo credit to the owner)
Though we were definitely upset over all the drama that still, fortunately, led to a silver medal finish for our Gilas 3, there is no point in denying that we will always be fans of the Philippine Basketball Association by default.

One; because we do not really see another Metropolitan Basketball Association rising out of the woodwork (until of course either Team San Miguel or Team Manny V Pangilinan pulls all of their teams out of the Asia's first basketball league), and two; because Filipinos in general are a fickle, forgiving lot (we are generalizing here, because this basically explains how and why troublemakers and borderline idiots get seats in the government).

So yes, we forgive you PBA for the Gilas 3 drama. But only because we are left with no other alternative (at the moment, once the NBA starts holding Global Games in Manila then all bets are off). Now that you've named a 17-man pool for the Olympic Qualifiers, we kinda, sorta, hate you guys less. We still hate some of the guys in charge, but not as much as before.

And we will forgive you for making up-and-coming emcee Abra look like a complete tool last Wednesday.

On to STAR vs Rain or Shine, NLEX vs Blackwater and Alaska vs Talk'n'Text then.

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