Saturday, February 6, 2016


Championship # 3
(Photo credit to
What the San Miguel Beermen were able to accomplish just a few nights ago versus the Alaska Aces in Game 7 of the PBA Philippine Cup Finals goes beyond historic.

How can you not call and recognize it as something more, when the team was all but left for dead following a zero wins to three losses predicament heading into Game 4? That even if they had won Game 4, historically speaking, the leading team usually ends it in the 5th (while in a few cases, in the 6th).

Still, no comebacks. Never. No team in the history of the PBA has forced a Game 7 after falling 0-3. No team in the history of professional, documented basketball, has ever come back and won four games straight en route to a championship.

The 2016 PBA Philippine Cup San Miguel Beermen are legendary., pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0