Saturday, April 16, 2016

PBA CC Playoffs: 4 Ginebra vs 5 Rain or Shine

(Photo credit:
This is going to be a slobber-knocker.

Rain or Shine, Yeng Guiao, Beau Belga-- they are all ghosts of Ginebra's colorful past. Their physical, bully-ball style, the psy-war that almost, always unnerves Ginebra's towering futures Greg Slaughter and Japeth Aguilar, the way RoS just doesn't really give a rat's ass on how dirty you think they are playing, for as long as they get the victory.

That is how Ginebra basketball was played during Robert Jaworski, Sr.'s reign. That was how Pinoy basketball was played by all back in the day: down and dirty. Nothing fancy, just ugly and brutal.

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