Friday, June 10, 2011

We ain’t stupid: why it’s hard to love LeBron James

(Disclaimer: I usually don't write about the NBA since starting this blog, opting instead to concentrate on helping get the word out on our proudly homegrown basketball leagues/associations. That being said, I just couldn't find it in me not to write about someone who is arguably the best basketball player today, and the frustrations the come with it.)
For all the God given freakish athleticism, high basketball IQ and charisma in the world, there’s a reason why one LeBron James has yet to win the world over. And it’s not simply because he decided to strip his old team balls-out on national television in search of greener pastures—no, it’s because of the player himself. A player so gifted, anything less than a 20,5,5 stat line would be deemed an utter disappointment or travesty., pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0