Tuesday, February 28, 2012

On import changes, Meralco's backcourt woes and Gilas 2 PG

Vroman will beast the PBA. Bet on it.
Wow. Safe to say that no one outside of the Ginebra camp saw this coming-- Chris Alexander, the Gin Kings' 7"1 import who led them to their last title has been sent home in favor of NBA vet and FIBA champion Jackson Vroman.

Alexander was reportedly sent off the same afternoon Vroman checked in to the Gin Kings' practice-- that's just cold man. Only a no conscience, unsympathetic and cold blooded individual would do something so business-like and calculating.

What's that? Noli Eala's in charge of San Miguel's basketball operations? Oh, okay.

PBA's Vince McMahon is definitely back to what he does best.
google.com, pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0