Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Of Kings and Princes

Romeo and Caguioa
(Photo courtesy of Sports5)
Many have so valiantly tried, sacrilegiously dared even, to unseat the one true King. He wears no crown, though his on/off headband (depending on the season and hairstyle) could be considered as such. They have opted to award princes with fancy titles, if only because they cater to different markets most of which are still learning the game.

And even when the times have changed with the King left to see his peers dismissed with an air of nostalgia, the masses quick to embrace new idols and champions, the King rises from his throne to quash all newcomers right where they stand.

Thy King’s name is Mark Caguioa of Barangay Ginebra San Miguel, his Kingdom, as it has been the last decade or so, is the PBA. Championship runs, individual accolades and All Star Selections or not.

Here, he is King of the masses.
google.com, pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0