Sunday, August 17, 2014

When stardom beckons

It's time to move up for Alas
When news broke out that the Gilas Cadets are finally moving on to the next chapter of their young basketball careers by applying for the 2014 PBA Draft, it was met with a lot of approval and cheers from the Filipino basketball community.

After all, we're talking about guys who've spent a good portion of their collegiate and post-collegiate careers playing for flag and country instead of turning pro outright and securing themselves financially. The risks, the sacrifices, as shown and proven by the unfortunate injury to Team USA hopeful and NBA star Paul George are real. Yet they chose to suit up, playing in different Asian tournaments (and more) at a bargain price if only to proudly wear PILIPINAS on their chests.

Kevin Alas, Ronald Pascual, Matthew Ganuelas Rosser and Jake Pascual have all decided to join the coming 2014 PBA Draft, while their brother Garvo Lanete has opted to stay put with the Gilas Cadet program for maybe another year to further hone his craft., pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0