Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Blue collar approach

Just another day at the office
(Photo credit to the owner)
The Philippine Basketball Association is a showcase of Filipino basketball talent, skill and athleticism. It is a league wherein mere mortals are turned God-like, idolized by many and legends are formed. It rewards those who shine brightest, sure, but it also gives notice and praise to those who work in the shadows.

One look at the ongoing PBA Philippine Cup league statistics and you will be very surprised to see two non-household names making huge waves for their respective teams. On one side is the Mahindra Enforcers' Mark Yee (18mpg 12 ppg 10rpg) and on the other is Barako Bull Energy's Willie Wilson (36mpg 13ppg 10rpg). Both under-rated and definitely far from being part of their team's offensive sets. They will never really make the headlines (unless Yee opts to get his Hokage on again and use that special pwet ninjutsu of his), so please allow us this much Internet space to show them some of our basketball geek affection.
google.com, pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0