Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Starting over again

Say hello to Cyrus Baguio, shooting guard for Phoenix Petroleum.

I remember the first time I saw Baguio play. I was studying in LSGH, rooting for the back-to-back seeking DLSU Green Archers in the 1999 UAAP Finals. I didn’t know much about the UST Growling Tigers as my understanding of the sport was still developing, but from Games 1 to 3, I knew that Baguio was special.

He was a high-flyer by trade, an unstoppable slasher who would (and did) dunk on sleeping fools with no hesitation. He is basically cut from the same cloth as a Terrence Romeo. Pass? Just give them the ball and get out of the way.
google.com, pub-3708877119963803, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0