Saturday, October 27, 2012

Express needs chemistry

Coach Franz is living on a prayer
(nagdadasal ng isa pang trade)
While Air21 Express head coach Franz Pumaren continues praying to the Lord Almighty for another trade that would help his cause (his team, with new/ returning team manager Lito Alvarez, did so in the off-season but Coach Franz might not want to push his luck now), we argue that it's not about getting another contributor-- but actually developing on court team chemistry. At the moment, the cellar-dwelling Express look like a bunch of "2nd chance getters" who are looking to pad their stats (think of it as a paid tryout for other teams) rather than to win games.

Wynne Arboleda, John Wilson, Bitoy Omolon, Mark Isip and Yousef Taha. After that there's Bonbon Custodio, Nonoy Baclao and Rob Reyes. The buck stops there. Nothing (or no one) more, and nothing less. Ok, fine, we'll show love to Nino Canaleta but only because he's been drilling threes (still not playing defense though).

These are the guys who have shown that they can play cohesively as a unit and also compete against the other PBA teams who have been together longer. Arboleda has the wisdom, Wilson is a legit scorer/ go-to-guy in waiting, Omolon is a defensive ace with Freddie Abuda-like low post skills, Isip is their best back-to-the-basket guy and Taha is just a joy to watch as a workhorse in the paint. Custodio, though inconsistent, is a bonafide scorer who can get hot fast. Reyes is a legit PBA big with no skills but a lot of height and muscle. Baclao, if he ever works the all the Petron rust off, is still a solid 6"7 forward.

You'd think that a basketball wizard like Coach Franz would figure this out early just like how GlobalPort Batang Pier head coach Glenn Capacio realized that Rudy Lingganay and that Raymundo guy shouldn't be starting in the PBA come their 2nd game.

But instead of working a rotation that is ready to win now, he goes on and plugs in Nonoy Baclao at center versus Alaska. Didn't work even though he was matched up against the smaller Gabby Espinas. Coach Franz then calls in Simon Atkins. Kid shouldn't even be in the PBA and needs to spend 2-3 more years in the PBA D-League (work on your jumper please). Then there's Pong Escobal, who can't guard a tree even if you give him an M-16 with endless ammunition with his life.

So really, instead of wishing for players who may or may not come (it would be fun though if Coach Franz gets his hands on Mike Cortez-- it's not like we can just forget about the past right? Controversy loves cash, plus we'll have a reason to actually watch the whole 48-minute game just because of the strained Coach Franz-Cool Cat dynamic), perhaps Coach Franz and the Express could get their acts together and go with the guys who are ready to win now. That's the whole point why they "upgraded" this off season right? Not to keep building for the future but to win games now.

And for the record, Omolon right now is a better player than Baclao. Give Bitoy the minutes at SF please.


  1. "Omolon right now is a better player than Baclao"

    On offense ... yes {though Nonoy is scoring pretty well as of late}. But interior defense, and even defense in general, hell no. Baclao is one of league leaders, if not the league leader, in blocks. He probably leads the entire league in shots altered too.

    I've been watching Air 21. The entire offense of their opponents changes when Baclao is on the floor. Lahat ng inside incursions "tirang takot" at minadali. He challenges everything that's thrown in the air. When he's not on the floor, it's a field day for Air21's opponents in the paint.

    Maybe when Rob Reyes comes back fully healthy, baka makatulong siya. Taha gets his share, pero medyo kankarot at over-eager pa kaya madalas foul prone or bad timing ang fouls niya.

    Right now, Noy still seems a bit too heavy and bloated, but it looks like he's shedding the excess baggage. His stint in Petron probably didn't help his confidence either.

    Another thing not helping A21 ... Custodio, Canaleta, and Wilson all blow hot and cold. Malas nila pag 2 out of those 3 can't provide offense in the same game. Too inconsistent. One day bente ang gagawin, the next day quatro lang.

  2. Agree that Baclao is one hell of a shot blocker, but other than that, he's slow to move side-to-side to really challenge the more creative scorers. Plus, his offense (save for their first game) is still raw. Un nga, bloated pa kasi kaya hirap gumalaw. Omolon has always been a solid perimeter defender and Boy Pulot down low since Santa Lucia.

    The thing with Baclao, as good as he is defensively, Air21 doesn't have a guy to pair with him. Baclao and Isip might be a good pair, Baclao takes care of the D, Isip takes care of the O. But Baclao isn't that big a rebounder (yet) and Isip is under-sized for rebounding duties.

    That's why I went with Omolon at the 3, Isip at the 4 and Taha/ Reyes at 5... for now. Ibang usapan na pag pumayat na ulit si Baclao.


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